Wow. I'd never needed a cell phone up until last night so badly. Last night my friend Jordin decided to stick around an hour after her shift so I could get a ride to S.F with her. So after my shift was over she gave me a ride to my parents house to get my keys to the apartment. Then we stopped at Jordin's house and after that went to my apartment.We drove by the beach and for some reason it was kind of scary to me that, even though it was night, the waves were still moving.Hah,I don't know why that freaks me out.Then I get to my apartment,tell Jordin goodbye, and I'll call her later. So then I get to the door, realizing I don't know the code to get into the building. So I chase Jordin down,but he windows are rolled up so she can't hear me. So I'm stranded for a while before someone comes out. Then I get to my apartment, andI can't get into the building.I have no cell phone, security is no where to be found, and no one is there.I'm banging on the door, no one's answering. So I decide to accept my fate and camp out side the door.I read for a while, and start getting a little scared from the sounds I'm hearing, (as juvenile as it may seem,I'm afraid of ghost.)and fear that someone may walk out of there apartment and think a homeless person is camping outside of there apartment. The whole time I was outside I kept thinking about how'd I'd been in two places,both with warmbeds and shelter, and now I was in San Francisco. Bart was done for tonight,and my only way of getting in was if one of my three room mates woke up.So with all of this in mind, I finally managed to fall a sleep for a few hours. Then I woke up around a quarter til 6 and I start reading again. I hear someone walking around and I start knocking and ringing the doorbell. Luckily this time it's Cory. I felt so relieved.
So yah,it was a tough night. Then Natalie, one of my room mates said "oh,I thought I heard someone knocking on the door." Damn you!
Today I hung out with Ben,which was fun cause I hadn't seen him since graduation. He is such a great hostess. I felt kind of bad,like I was taking advantage of him. So I didn't ask for to much. Then he taught me how to play mahjong.Or something like that.I won after two tries!Then we came back to my apartment and talked. Man, Ben is like the perfect guy.I hope I find someone like him.
In case I forgot. I moved! I live in San Francisco now.
So yah,it was a tough night. Then Natalie, one of my room mates said "oh,I thought I heard someone knocking on the door." Damn you!
Today I hung out with Ben,which was fun cause I hadn't seen him since graduation. He is such a great hostess. I felt kind of bad,like I was taking advantage of him. So I didn't ask for to much. Then he taught me how to play mahjong.Or something like that.I won after two tries!Then we came back to my apartment and talked. Man, Ben is like the perfect guy.I hope I find someone like him.
In case I forgot. I moved! I live in San Francisco now.

I hope this lull ends soon.
BTW, I've been locked out of one of my apartments before. I had the key to get in, but my roommates chained the door. A hard shove fixxed that problem though. I was actually rather amused when they woke me up in the morning because they thought someone broke into the apartment. They were rather red-faced when I told them it was me and they had chained the door on me and didn't respond to my knocking or yelling their names.