So I spent the afternoon working on the trans am and getting that back to running condition. Then I helped finish up the poster for our film that is playing this wed. at the bell.
That reminds me if you can read this... and even if you can't... you are invited to come check out our film. It's called "the wild condition" and it is playing this wednesday at the bell auditorium on the U campus at 7pm. It's in the Mpls International Film Festival and it is pretty darn good if I do say so myself... which i do because not many other people have actually seen it since we are still finishing it up! heh Anyway, love to see you there so come on out.
Time to hit the sauna and then bed. I can't believe I bought a house with a sauna in it. What is this the 80's or something. heh
That reminds me if you can read this... and even if you can't... you are invited to come check out our film. It's called "the wild condition" and it is playing this wednesday at the bell auditorium on the U campus at 7pm. It's in the Mpls International Film Festival and it is pretty darn good if I do say so myself... which i do because not many other people have actually seen it since we are still finishing it up! heh Anyway, love to see you there so come on out.
Time to hit the sauna and then bed. I can't believe I bought a house with a sauna in it. What is this the 80's or something. heh
It's about this guy who's mother is kind of losing her mind and wandering off all the time. Mixed in there is some surreal scenes about his dog and the domestication of the wolf. There are some visually stunning nature scenes that involve simple everyday things we see in our backyard. I am still at a loss to really explain it but it certainly is worth checking out. I guarantee you won't see many films like this one...