tired today. feeling fatalistic. typing one-handedly. we went into town, there was an anti-war demonstration on ini front of the town hall, which was entertaining, but not half as entertaining as the 'bomb scare' in the parking lot of the overgate... not that i can even be sure that's what it was, they just wouldn't let anyone out into the multi-story car-park and the old security guard was talking about there going to be a 'bang'... mm... 2+2=4 me thinks... i went in to go to the bathroom and i came out and there were like, police dudes and dudettes (yummy) going outer-limits. i thought, fuck, i could have been blown up in a public bathroom. what a way to go. of course that would have meant iain would die too... wrahhahahahaha
not quite a suicide pact, but what the hell.
ugh... my neck hurts today. guess i slept on it badly.
on the upside i looked smart today. my fucking mudd shark pants on, fucking guelph... yuck. 'home' has been weird lately. besides the fact that everyone's convinced i'm going to die being here... they're getting a puppy. i've been asking for one for the past 2 years, and now that i'm 4000 miles away, oh, puppy goodness. fuckers. my sister has a new car... my nephew won a speech competition... blah blah blah. i called home yesterday and got chewed by my mother who was in a titch because it was the 'second time [she'd] heard my voice since february 10th' - mumma mumma, not by choice... i've written my two sisters, but they seem incapable of relaying my hellos back to my parents. love 'em... rural canadians- GOTTA love em.... nothing like people who live five minutes apart spending their entire lives on the phone with each other... uy.
i bought some parcel wrap today to mount my folio pieces on. unconventional, yes. i strive for it. so hopefully i'll get around to that tonight. also got out 'a ma soeur' from the 'bibliotheque', should be good for a nice quiet night curled up...
listening to the pixies right now, sometimes i go through phases of just listening to all that 4AD stuff- I wonder why there are no labels nowadays putting out stuff so consistently good- or if there will ever be a band as bizarrely unique as those guys were... okay so ninety percent of their bizarreness comes from frank with his ufo obsession, singing in spanish... mmm.
missing my copy of 'gish' too- pumpkins before they were really known of.. that was a great, great record.. i'll probably be able to get it at fopp, but i live in hope of wandering into groucho's one day and finding it on vinyl...
mmmmmph- life....
life loves me, life loves to fuck me with the dildo of despair... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

not quite a suicide pact, but what the hell.
ugh... my neck hurts today. guess i slept on it badly.
on the upside i looked smart today. my fucking mudd shark pants on, fucking guelph... yuck. 'home' has been weird lately. besides the fact that everyone's convinced i'm going to die being here... they're getting a puppy. i've been asking for one for the past 2 years, and now that i'm 4000 miles away, oh, puppy goodness. fuckers. my sister has a new car... my nephew won a speech competition... blah blah blah. i called home yesterday and got chewed by my mother who was in a titch because it was the 'second time [she'd] heard my voice since february 10th' - mumma mumma, not by choice... i've written my two sisters, but they seem incapable of relaying my hellos back to my parents. love 'em... rural canadians- GOTTA love em.... nothing like people who live five minutes apart spending their entire lives on the phone with each other... uy.
i bought some parcel wrap today to mount my folio pieces on. unconventional, yes. i strive for it. so hopefully i'll get around to that tonight. also got out 'a ma soeur' from the 'bibliotheque', should be good for a nice quiet night curled up...
listening to the pixies right now, sometimes i go through phases of just listening to all that 4AD stuff- I wonder why there are no labels nowadays putting out stuff so consistently good- or if there will ever be a band as bizarrely unique as those guys were... okay so ninety percent of their bizarreness comes from frank with his ufo obsession, singing in spanish... mmm.
missing my copy of 'gish' too- pumpkins before they were really known of.. that was a great, great record.. i'll probably be able to get it at fopp, but i live in hope of wandering into groucho's one day and finding it on vinyl...
mmmmmph- life....
life loves me, life loves to fuck me with the dildo of despair... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

First comment right here! Whooop! Actually the computer is being pretty decent for me, which is suprising. Usually nothing goes my way, so hmm..maybe I'm due for something REALLY bad here soon. I'm going on a plane tomorrow, maybe it will be hijacked or something. Oh well. Sounds like you had an interesting day.