Momentary lapses of judgement- gotta love 'em. two weeks of 'catching up' with my boyfriend has not been in vain (wink) and we've gotten a lot of shit out of our systems- it's been visceral, which my liufe in Ontario wasn't, it was becoming stagnant.... I love Dundee, I love Scotland- and hell, I can do this.
I will get into art school. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it people like me...
If I get one decent piece done for the next month it will be plain sailing- on top of which Iain wants to help with the paintings, since that's hardly my niche and I've kinda let my evolution as a painter slide for exploring photography as a medium- not that i for a second regret that sacrifice, I just need to get my ass into that damn school and have done ever since Iain told me about his days there... he just sold it to me, hearing about all his trials and tribulations, all the cool, weird, funky people he met... made me think 'yeah, that's what i want to do with myself', something I'd never really been positive about before. He just gave me that 'push' I needed to give me the direction and the guts.
Not that the next month is going to be plain-sailing, but I figure all this work and focus will pay off tenfold...
So that's me, and things are good- and they can only get better
Momentary lapses of judgement- gotta love 'em. two weeks of 'catching up' with my boyfriend has not been in vain (wink) and we've gotten a lot of shit out of our systems- it's been visceral, which my liufe in Ontario wasn't, it was becoming stagnant.... I love Dundee, I love Scotland- and hell, I can do this.
I will get into art school. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it people like me...
If I get one decent piece done for the next month it will be plain sailing- on top of which Iain wants to help with the paintings, since that's hardly my niche and I've kinda let my evolution as a painter slide for exploring photography as a medium- not that i for a second regret that sacrifice, I just need to get my ass into that damn school and have done ever since Iain told me about his days there... he just sold it to me, hearing about all his trials and tribulations, all the cool, weird, funky people he met... made me think 'yeah, that's what i want to do with myself', something I'd never really been positive about before. He just gave me that 'push' I needed to give me the direction and the guts.
Not that the next month is going to be plain-sailing, but I figure all this work and focus will pay off tenfold...
So that's me, and things are good- and they can only get better