I'm glad to se the site up today... I'm borrrrred.
An afternoon of putting my pictures back up and going through piles of old photos realising how totally not photogenic I am.... Gotta love my folks for passing on those genes, eh.
Sometimes I just get it right though. I seem to be better at taking photographs oif myself than anyone else taking them, besides Iain- which... makes snese. Four years of art school has not been in vain-
He has a job interview today. Teaching. I think he's so shit-scared that he'll go in and babble at the interviewers for thirty minutes.
So many photographs... I need to coax him into taking a roll or two- moody atmopspheric stuff, I think...
Maybe I'll wait until I get inked some more.... that's on the cards
Either way, I'm feeling exhibistionistic...
Where'd I put that corset of mine?
An afternoon of putting my pictures back up and going through piles of old photos realising how totally not photogenic I am.... Gotta love my folks for passing on those genes, eh.
Sometimes I just get it right though. I seem to be better at taking photographs oif myself than anyone else taking them, besides Iain- which... makes snese. Four years of art school has not been in vain-
He has a job interview today. Teaching. I think he's so shit-scared that he'll go in and babble at the interviewers for thirty minutes.
So many photographs... I need to coax him into taking a roll or two- moody atmopspheric stuff, I think...
Maybe I'll wait until I get inked some more.... that's on the cards
Either way, I'm feeling exhibistionistic...
Where'd I put that corset of mine?
bring on the corset!!!!!!!!
ooh.. ill try to get picture of the new kitty thing up later today