So I got the e-mail today telling me that my set didn't get their mojo going or whatever but it wasn't accepted. Its a little disheartening but i'll live, think of something more creative and try again. one thing is for sure, my photographer is amazing and can do anything with a camera so i'm not worried about the pics, just me and the set. well time to go look at a hall. i'll try not to take so long to post again. talk to ya'll later.
Toodles, Taneh.
Toodles, Taneh.
Judging by the pics in your profile, I'd say it's just a matter of time before you have one up, and I bet it will be awesome!
Hey gorgeous I have been gone for a couple of months, been real busy lately. I am sorry to here about your set being rejected. I was looking forword to seeing it. Better luck with the next try sooner or later it has to be accepted.