Thank you everyone for all your comments and being so welcoming its very appreciated. I never thought I would get that many responses in such a short amount of time. Feel free to ask me anything you want, I'm a sucker for a great conversation.
Just for news in my life, my sister just had her first baby. It was a little boy, 8.5 pounds and 19" long. Nothing else other than that has happened lately just a lot of work. I never really know what to talk about when I write in these things so really if you have questions or would like to know something i'm very open and willing to talk.
Just for news in my life, my sister just had her first baby. It was a little boy, 8.5 pounds and 19" long. Nothing else other than that has happened lately just a lot of work. I never really know what to talk about when I write in these things so really if you have questions or would like to know something i'm very open and willing to talk.
wel was gonna write the same as fen above,lol....but she beat me to it...looks pretty cool tho,i like tattoos that are different is there a story to it or you just liked it?
thanks for the tat compliment back,i had it done in hong kong,freehand,only took him 3 n half hours....aaargh,lol..done now...onto the next one!!