Hi to all of my lovly Friends well I woke up to day just as you all did? some of you know me and do not like how I write lol and sorry about that but I think what I am going to say may be cool? or not in Jan. I will be 49 yrs old and for some thats a life time and I have done many things so fare some good some not to grert ass some may know I spint alot of time in the Army and I spint some of my life helping others around me in the world I stared 2 Comp. and help start 3 others but in all this time so fare I just have not lived and did for just me and with my health not doing so great and I am now a grand Dad for the next 49 yrs I am going to just do for me any thing or not a thing what ever I would like to do with my time and if any of you have any ideas for me to do (that is just do do for me) lol let me know take care and all ways big big hugs and kiss kiss