This morning, as I was taking a shower, something popped into my mind:
There was a time where nothing existed.
Let that simmer in your brain for a second. Ill wait.
Okay. Is your mind completely exhausted from you trying to wrap it around that concept? Mine sure is.
The notion of NOTHING existing for any period of time (oh, fuck, time didnt exist either...
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There was a time where nothing existed.
Let that simmer in your brain for a second. Ill wait.
Okay. Is your mind completely exhausted from you trying to wrap it around that concept? Mine sure is.
The notion of NOTHING existing for any period of time (oh, fuck, time didnt exist either...
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Nah, feel free to show up to the rooms for more partying
Thanks for all your help last night!!!!

Sometimes, it seems to me as though we all live in our heads. I know I do.
I look forward to going to sleep, since thats where I can do whatever I want. My dreams are the most amazing part of my life. I cant remember the last time I had a nightmare. The landscapes are always breathtaking and the scenarios are always beautiful. Any...
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I look forward to going to sleep, since thats where I can do whatever I want. My dreams are the most amazing part of my life. I cant remember the last time I had a nightmare. The landscapes are always breathtaking and the scenarios are always beautiful. Any...
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3.48 was for a 2 minute check up. I still need to get the bad tooth fixed. Root canal treatment will be in the region of 115. Woe 

Is she ok?
Lately, like the characters at the beginnings of many trendy novels these days, I havent been able to sleep. I usually feel myself getting tired around midnight or so, but upon lying down I would realize that the sleepiness was temporary. Sidney usually goes to bed at the same time I do, but she drifts off to sleep within fifteen minutes on most nights, more...
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um, your testimony freakin ROCKED! Thank you for that!
I have no TV. Well, I have a TV. A nice flat screen. But it's been over 2 years since I've had any type of cable. I've been stealing it with dreaded bunny ears and watching the history channel in blurs and dots. It might help that we don't have too many friends who come over too much, but even if they had something to say about it I'd tell them to suck my right ass cheek. I'd rather pay my cell phone bill so I can keep in touch with my family in MA. Or buy new art supplies or books. TV isn't all it's cracked up to be. Not to mention if people come over its usually to drink and play games anywho.
It's not death itself that I find hardest to grasp. It's that when I am on my death bed am I going to be completely happy with the life I lead. Did I cause enough trouble, did I learn everything I possibly could. Was I well rounded and did I have an abundance of great friends and memories full of laughs. Every day that goes by that I just stand at my job and greet people "are you here for the 6 cent prints?" and then go home to eat and sleep and Hello Groundhog Day! It scares the everliving bejesus out of me! And when I'm on my death bed I will NOT be thinking about how funny those Will and Grace episodes were and how much I hated the finale.
But really. That testimony is the best one I've got
I have no TV. Well, I have a TV. A nice flat screen. But it's been over 2 years since I've had any type of cable. I've been stealing it with dreaded bunny ears and watching the history channel in blurs and dots. It might help that we don't have too many friends who come over too much, but even if they had something to say about it I'd tell them to suck my right ass cheek. I'd rather pay my cell phone bill so I can keep in touch with my family in MA. Or buy new art supplies or books. TV isn't all it's cracked up to be. Not to mention if people come over its usually to drink and play games anywho.
It's not death itself that I find hardest to grasp. It's that when I am on my death bed am I going to be completely happy with the life I lead. Did I cause enough trouble, did I learn everything I possibly could. Was I well rounded and did I have an abundance of great friends and memories full of laughs. Every day that goes by that I just stand at my job and greet people "are you here for the 6 cent prints?" and then go home to eat and sleep and Hello Groundhog Day! It scares the everliving bejesus out of me! And when I'm on my death bed I will NOT be thinking about how funny those Will and Grace episodes were and how much I hated the finale.
But really. That testimony is the best one I've got