i feel dirty...only not in a good way. i feel like everything i do is somehow less and less important with every passing minute. i feel like i become less and less of a comapssionate and caring person with everyday. i feel bitter. for no reason. i feel lonely and angry. all i want is to do good things without feeling cheep or trite. this is a very bad place for me right now, i think i need to go to church, consult the tarrot, and sacrifice a small mamal to a dark lord of the underworld.....that might be fun.
Anomie, noun. 1. Social instability caused by erosion of standards and values.
2. Alienation and purposelessness experienced by a person or a class as a result of a lack of standards, values, or ideals.
I've suffered off and on from anomie, as well (esp. in the #2 definition sense).
Maybe you just don't see any reinforcement out there in society for being a good, engaged person. That's why doing good makes you feel "cheap and trite." Depressing, I know...