A thick mop of hair, messy beyond repair, done up and down in various ways- scowling and eating chocolate croissants. What seems like the book of Job tattooed right round the upper arm. The scowl getting worse and worse, now coca cola and a cigarette with a white filter. Thin cupid bow lips and a long pointy nose- liza minelli but with a bony gaunt face, the last vestiges of youthful chub just on the point of receding. Dirty white sneekers. Two furrows sinking further and further into the gap between the eyebrows, and what eyebrows they are. Plucked and ready for goodness knows what. Finally the puffs. Great big sagging bags, everyday for a week on the trot now, the girl must get no sleep at all. With determination and unpleasantness she heaves herself back to the counter to serve more people their daily ration of milk soup tainted and stained with coffee.
im sorry i didnt realize i looked so badly
Fool not to stop drinking?