Just returned home from Ohio last night with my 'rents and my brother. 14 hours traped in a car with nothing more then a few DVDs I brought to play on my PS2 (even with the LCD monitor on, the sound was mucka low, should have bought headphones) to pass the time. Of course, the only way to keep my brother (13 next month) entertained was playing old episodes of Transformers. Which is usually good, but after awhile you just wanna hang yourself you know?
SO the reason we went was for a family reunion, and yes, before you say it or think it, my family is a bunch of rednecks!!!!
My mother side of the family. It was entertaining, much better then when we get together with my father's side of the family who live in the New England area. The rednecks tend to be much more fun.
Got home about 11 last night, and was so greatful to be home. I don't sleep well when I am not sleeping in my own be, or if I don't have someone to cuddle with, and seeing as how I don't have either of those all weekend, I slept terribly. Not to mentioned I stayed at my Grandmother's all weekend (whom I love to death) but was unable to find the opportunity to, shall we say, relieve myself until I got home. Thank the Goddess I got home when I did, any longer I don't know if I would have fallen on my face, or exploded.
Anyone have a good Labor Day?

SO the reason we went was for a family reunion, and yes, before you say it or think it, my family is a bunch of rednecks!!!!

Got home about 11 last night, and was so greatful to be home. I don't sleep well when I am not sleeping in my own be, or if I don't have someone to cuddle with, and seeing as how I don't have either of those all weekend, I slept terribly. Not to mentioned I stayed at my Grandmother's all weekend (whom I love to death) but was unable to find the opportunity to, shall we say, relieve myself until I got home. Thank the Goddess I got home when I did, any longer I don't know if I would have fallen on my face, or exploded.
Anyone have a good Labor Day?
If I didn't have a whole band I had to talk into moving.. I'd be there in an instant.
I'm tired it's like 8am and i haven't been able to sleep yet. I think I'll make some coffee and fake like I got some sleep tonight!
Just read your message. I'm free Sunday if ya wanna hang. Give me a call. I just have to be home by 9:00 for the season finale of Six Feet Under.