It intrigued. Me tooday....people always look at the other..their judging or me thinking. How would guilt feel someone is judging you...idk about guys but I feel honored. To know you stick out.. to show hey... that's right im my own brand. Limited edition... but on the deeper end aspect. Having judgement on someone you don't Even know that is wild because why should we sit here and judge people that you never know could been homeless or dealing with problems at home that dare not speak of its not good specially as and general the aspect of it that person that you're judging could be a doctor or a lawyer or just a helping hand you never know thank you be there for you whenever no one else is.... pay it forward because that one deed could change someone's life.... my goal everyday in my life is make a difference some way some how. Rather it's me talking to someone in my chair as I'm working on their hair or to the lady in the check out line at the store and just complimenting on her nice hat because you Don't know if she has any family law and I can just change your whole personality real fast like him having a Downing day and while someone thought my day was great like another's probably sounds crazy and everything today by just really hit hard by a reallyhard did people should give other people way more credit than what they do because they do so much in this life that no one knows about you just don't tell you story of a book of your life right off the batt as if people learn that so people dig that's what people wanna just no knowledge of what's going on in your head that's the beauty of it don't judge people on looks we judges yourself and if you wanna be judged yourself make it count ..