Why must I have all these thoughts running through my head..why must I have done the things that I have done..people don't understand what goes through my head and that's ok..but yet not..I hurt people because they don't understand my head and what goes through it. All these sexual thoughts of one to another. My minds telling me to stay monogamous but the other half is saying your two evolved to be perfectly content with one..either that or I am just not fully happy as i should be. We're all different for a reason...we all do what we do for a reason. Should we regret it. Yes and no...cuz at that moment in time. Those feelings. No one else can see or feel because they weren't there. So I personally would not regret it. Life is to beautiful to not live. That one what if could be your perfect Bermuda triangle...ya never know.. . And loving my look today lol booooooty