I've TOO fookin busy
My holiday went by so quickly, it's only been a week back but it feels like MUCH longer...
Still waiting for the money from selling our old house to come through which really pisses me off coz i want to start decorating the new one...it doesn't quite feel like home yet, ya know?
Had a new addition to the family (AGAIN lol) this time a puppy called Ella
She's gorgeous...16 weeks old, no trouble really either, just sleeps all the time...soooo CUTE!!!!!!
She's my motivation to get my ass outta bed in the morning, and out of the house for at least an hour whilst i take her for a walk in the fields...yay for exercise!!!!
I still haven't made my mind up about whether to shoot a second set...
I hope everyone is doing ok, now i have more time (yeah right) i'll be gettin round to journals n stuff
I've TOO fookin busy

Still waiting for the money from selling our old house to come through which really pisses me off coz i want to start decorating the new one...it doesn't quite feel like home yet, ya know?
Had a new addition to the family (AGAIN lol) this time a puppy called Ella

She's my motivation to get my ass outta bed in the morning, and out of the house for at least an hour whilst i take her for a walk in the fields...yay for exercise!!!!
I still haven't made my mind up about whether to shoot a second set...

I hope everyone is doing ok, now i have more time (yeah right) i'll be gettin round to journals n stuff

Nice to see you again, nice to see you're doing well.

Thanks again for the hair
am still loving it 
Hopefully I'll catch up with you soon properly