So at 2:30 am on the 31st of may (memorial day) I head out to wallace state to meet up with the rest of the people who I'm going on this trip with... it was a band tour with the jazz band and R&B band, me being in the latter... well the entire ride there was nothing but one massive monsoon, severe weather warnings everwhere and such... I get there about 3:10 am or so and wait for everyone else to get there, most of them arive around 3:30 and we load our stuff into the building waiting on the bus, as it's still pouring rain... the bus drive shows up at 4:10... everyone was ticked cuz he was late... we head out around 5 minutes after he gets there and start headed south to daytona beach... according to mark, the director of my band, the bus driver nearly ran off the road several times due to dozing off behind the wheel... anyways, we get down there some 13 or so hours later and are informed that we have an hour to get ready for a show. That show as it seems was out on the beachfront. We unloaded equipment, waited on the guy to finish playing who was there before us and ran and hooked up equipment. There were a few announcements and then the jazz band played, I sorta stood to the sidelines and watched (as I usually do in jazz band shows) and they played and played... when their show was over we quickly set up for the R&B band and got warmed up and ready to play but... wait! they have to announce the raffle winners! so after 45minutes of them finding the raffle winners and such and most of the people leaving, the head of the music department decides to get up and do a long ass speech about how he used to live there and such and experiences with previous bands... as he's giving this speech the light is failing fast... we go on... we play one song... gets darker... another song... gets darker... by the time the second song was done we really couldn't see our music so we played a "head chart" or a memorized small song, and then we called it quits... our average show can have anywhere from 10-15 songs easy... and then....
To Be continued...
To Be continued...