The question is indeed the subject at hand. That subject being some random verse from some random song at some random hour of some random day. Though the answer is simple and plain to see to all but me. It seems that for every step forward there shall be two back and one to the side. A spin on the heel and a change...
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The question is indeed the subject at hand. That subject being some random verse from some random song at some random hour of some random day. Though the answer is simple and plain to see to all but me. It seems that for every step forward there shall be two back and one to the side. A spin on the heel and a change...
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Eternity: Now, Then, and Forever.
To exist but never belong, to destroy but never create, to falter but never believe. This blissfully painful dance, this decadence of pain and beauty aspiring from the very depths of the universe. To feel is to know and to know is to understand on one level or another. The hands of the clock steadily progress, forward, always forward, their...
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To exist but never belong, to destroy but never create, to falter but never believe. This blissfully painful dance, this decadence of pain and beauty aspiring from the very depths of the universe. To feel is to know and to know is to understand on one level or another. The hands of the clock steadily progress, forward, always forward, their...
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I tag you!
The car goes vroom-diggidy!
It's times like these, in the early hours of the morning watching the twilight of the dawn, that I find myself reflecting upon all of the events that have occured thus far in my life and wondering where it will all go. What's my purpose? Why does emotion seem so artificial? I can cite thousands of incidents and yet the relevancy lost its meaning long...
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whatever you do, don't turn around >=}
You know, any living creature can only take so much stress (deviation from the norm) before the breaking point occurs. One would presume that as things happen gradually and one developes a tolerance that the line is gradually pushed further and further back. Well One would be mistaken. The line only goes so far then refuses to move more despite what the environment does. This...
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So the teddy bear I had that I lost a few years ago (one I've had since I was 4) when my grandmother sold her house (and I was living with her at the time) is now found... still no nose but that's ok... I'd post a picture but well... my overhead lights are burned out and no money for bulbs and lamplight just doesn't...
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Deep blue Something - Breakfast at Tiffany's
You say we've got nothing in common
No common ground to start from
And we're falling apart
You say the world has come between us
Our lives have come between us
But I know you just don't care
And I said "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?"
She said "I think I remember the film
And as I recall,...
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You say we've got nothing in common
No common ground to start from
And we're falling apart
You say the world has come between us
Our lives have come between us
But I know you just don't care
And I said "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?"
She said "I think I remember the film
And as I recall,...
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Fingertight - "Resurface"
God only knows
God only knows
God only knows
On the surface
Of the one we call belief
Underneath it
Well comes the only thing I've lived without
That's why you must believe me
God only knows why you've been running out
Cause so far the only thing that I've figured out was all of you
Cause God must really hate me...
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God only knows
God only knows
God only knows
On the surface
Of the one we call belief
Underneath it
Well comes the only thing I've lived without
That's why you must believe me
God only knows why you've been running out
Cause so far the only thing that I've figured out was all of you
Cause God must really hate me...
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with each passing moment I see my choices bringing about a massive detour in anything prominent happening in my life... I'm such a failure...