I'm 42. Often times I look at other people and think I don't act like a 42 year old should act. I'm not as successful, don't have the fancy house, or the wife and kids. You know the typical this is America bs. I go on dating sites and the majority of the women on there are looking for this typical cookie cutter image of a man so I never match with anyone. For years this would bother me and I would get depressed and be sad because I haven't found "the one" but this year it hasn't bothered me. Maybe it's been the whole quarantine making me realize this but I have something a lot of my typical 42 year olds don't have an that I'm happy. I love my life. I love being able to do whatever the fuck I want. I look around at my video games, comics, and other nerdy things and realize this is who I am and I fucking love it. I could give a shit about little timmy's softball game, or if susie has her braces I'm too busy enjoying life. More people should spend time being themselves instead of the cookie cutter shape that's expected.
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Back in the land of SG
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The mind of an introvert
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Am I normal?
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Tattoos are therapeutic
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Be yourself
I'm 42. Often times I look at other people and think I don't act li… -
My bitching post for the day
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Finally got some more ink
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