If you could be any inanimate object what would you be and why?
So if you were trapped on a deserted island and you had a choice what 1 music Cd, 1 Movie, and 1 Book would you want with you?
Cd= Smashing Pumpkins Simese Dream
Movie= Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
One book: The official survival guide for those who find themselves stranded on a deserted island.
Movie= Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
One book: The official survival guide for those who find themselves stranded on a deserted island.

CD- Roxy Music'sAvalon
Movie- Fandango
Book- The Centaur-Updike
Thank you for your comment on my set!
Movie- Fandango
Book- The Centaur-Updike
Thank you for your comment on my set!

Just got home from the Thrice Concert. Fucking awesome!!
Moments of Grace opened up followed by Darkest hour, and then Poison in the Well. The last two were fucking great.
Then thrice played 17 songs Straight! It was fucking amazing. I had such a great time.
The mosh pits were sick and so much fun. I definetly need to go to more shows. Add that...
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Moments of Grace opened up followed by Darkest hour, and then Poison in the Well. The last two were fucking great.
Then thrice played 17 songs Straight! It was fucking amazing. I had such a great time.
The mosh pits were sick and so much fun. I definetly need to go to more shows. Add that...
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Thrice are pretty damn good..
i saw them this past summer on warped tour and if you look in my pics section onmy page you'll see i got to hang with them after the show..
I had a vip media pass to interview and hang with a lot of the bands....it was wikkid.

i saw them this past summer on warped tour and if you look in my pics section onmy page you'll see i got to hang with them after the show..
I had a vip media pass to interview and hang with a lot of the bands....it was wikkid.

So here I sit once again in front of this computer.
This time I wonder to myself how am I gonna make up my mind? How am I gonna decided..should I try or move on?
You ask what am I talking about, right?
Well my dilemma is that I am still in love with my ex girlfriend. Even though we left on some nasty terms...
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This time I wonder to myself how am I gonna make up my mind? How am I gonna decided..should I try or move on?
You ask what am I talking about, right?
Well my dilemma is that I am still in love with my ex girlfriend. Even though we left on some nasty terms...
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Good luck. Matters of the heart are always difficult to remedy. Hang in there. 

So yesterday was my birthday. Let's Run through how my day went.
I woke up extra early cause I had to go to school. Boy can college be a drag. Especially on your birthday.
I fell asleep in most my classes and finally left school. got a couple calls from my friends to wish me happy birthday.
I left school and cashed the check my...
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I woke up extra early cause I had to go to school. Boy can college be a drag. Especially on your birthday.
I fell asleep in most my classes and finally left school. got a couple calls from my friends to wish me happy birthday.
I left school and cashed the check my...
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happy late birthday...i remember 19 being pretty good. have fun.
Thanks everyone..it is much appreciated
Our trip to Walmart at 1am
Start the countdown...
In 4 days I become a year older....and yet I still don't feel anything will change.
19 years of age.
19 years of expirience and still I haven't reached this enlighting point of so called Adulthood.
What am I supposed to learn? What is supposed to be taught to me. What difference will Monday make for me?
In 4 days I become a year older....and yet I still don't feel anything will change.
19 years of age.
19 years of expirience and still I haven't reached this enlighting point of so called Adulthood.
What am I supposed to learn? What is supposed to be taught to me. What difference will Monday make for me?
Happy Belated B-day

So i will offically welcome myself to this site. I am taking a chance here and I hope I enjoy my stay. Hope to meet really cool down to earth people!
Start the countdown...
In 4 days I become a year older....and yet I still don't feel anything will change.
19 years of age.
19 years of expirience and still I haven't reached this enlighting point of so called Adulthood.
What am I supposed to learn? What is supposed to be taught to me. What difference will Monday make for me?
In 4 days I become a year older....and yet I still don't feel anything will change.
19 years of age.
19 years of expirience and still I haven't reached this enlighting point of so called Adulthood.
What am I supposed to learn? What is supposed to be taught to me. What difference will Monday make for me?
I want to be the first thing that people hate every day.
Damn for some reason I had a great one that popped into mind from the perspective of a woman. A calculator.
What would I be though? Hmm... stalling... an iPhone. Seriously how cool/useful would I be then. Far more than I am now I assure you.