Sweet lord of official candy goodness gone badness! One more night of this stuff and I wont be able to stand on my last leg anymore. My "Partial" knowledge of women and the afterworld lead me to a barrier last night. Standing outside of the club, feet pointed at 80 degrees, Rachael speaks with her monotone wistfullness telling me there is a party going on. I think of course "Oh great the fab 400". Off to Denver in a taxi cab of cadillacs, or was it fiats? Before confronting Johnny Veteran on the side of the road giving him my last 50 cents that matched my 2.50 at home, and deciding to smoke Dural tomorrow instead of camel, we made sure to rub it in that it was only 8:30 at night. The immistakable sound of a muffler breaking off and sending a barrage of sparks behind in a doomed trail is heard, but no by me, I just see the sparks, Then the police cars following it. I wish There had been a proverbial "camera" mounted to the dash that night capturing the splendid time of frozen windhields and frozen smeared bug guts. The reheating and re freezing separates the glass but also your point of view. However when the sun shines thru hitting you right in the eye to the point no sunglasses, nor visor, nor window tint can save you, you cant help but think, "Damn this is a sun of a bitch" The glue they use for a new windshield smells funny. I always felt secure behind a windshield, even though most people flinch when even a fly comes hurling toward it, as if the fly isnt flinching like a mother fucker, well I dont know how exactly flies copulate or if they could do it with their mother but, you know what I mean. I saw a guy replace my old windshield, as soon as you take that smelly glue off it crumples and folds up like its flaky skin off a drunken sunburn. It said screw you, and i walked around with it on my stomach for weeks, I didnt think there would be that much of a difference between spf 15 and spf 45. Then again it was walgreens brand, and yes, months after leaving the store, the bottle still smells like cheap old lady perfume and nut rolls. you still cant beat 4 for a dollar, even though thyre stale as oberto beef jerky when you get em home its still worth it, almost as good as the pain you get in your fillings after your done. But if you ever get a fresh one it kicks ass... but good luck finding that at wallgreens, drunk from a club smoking durals at 4 in the morning.