I havnt updated here in ages, i met a few good friends on this site, and i will be gone next month as im not going to be renewing my account, but i do thank the great people i did meet and i have you on msn so im sure we'll talk soon lol.
well lets get bk to the update so my life is all over the place at the mo but i dont want to put a downer on you all, on a good note my son turned 2 the other week, yes he's at terrible 2's status lol but fortunately he hasnt become too bad yet, he as a few tantrums and i guess is testing the water to see what he can get away with, which he's quickly finding out is not a lot! lol
Me and he's dad did recently break up, its been a month now but its still working out hard to seperate fully, he's not ready for it to be over and i want to move on with my life, its the second time we've split and im sure i mentioned the first time when it happened, i gave it a second chance for ty but when it doesnt work you just can't force it!
So now im trying to figure out what im going to do, but like everything its going to take time and im loving being with ty, if my ex would just give me some time and stop coming over pretty much everyday of the week we could all be happy, i really dont understand him he wants me when we're apart and tries really hard and when we're together he couldnt care less
i've had a pretty crap week and been sick, still am now but im keeping my positive head on and cant wait for ty to come bk from he's dads 2mo
, im taking him down to my sis next weekend and hopefully if the weekend is nice we'll be taking him to sealife in london, and out to the big parks, he LOVES the swings everyday when we go out thats the first thing he says lol
So thats an overview of whats been going on, nothing much really lol i may do a final update before i leave hope all is well!
love to all
phix xXx
well lets get bk to the update so my life is all over the place at the mo but i dont want to put a downer on you all, on a good note my son turned 2 the other week, yes he's at terrible 2's status lol but fortunately he hasnt become too bad yet, he as a few tantrums and i guess is testing the water to see what he can get away with, which he's quickly finding out is not a lot! lol
Me and he's dad did recently break up, its been a month now but its still working out hard to seperate fully, he's not ready for it to be over and i want to move on with my life, its the second time we've split and im sure i mentioned the first time when it happened, i gave it a second chance for ty but when it doesnt work you just can't force it!
So now im trying to figure out what im going to do, but like everything its going to take time and im loving being with ty, if my ex would just give me some time and stop coming over pretty much everyday of the week we could all be happy, i really dont understand him he wants me when we're apart and tries really hard and when we're together he couldnt care less

i've had a pretty crap week and been sick, still am now but im keeping my positive head on and cant wait for ty to come bk from he's dads 2mo

So thats an overview of whats been going on, nothing much really lol i may do a final update before i leave hope all is well!
love to all
phix xXx
It sucks that you are leaving.
hmmm...as for the ex, might just have to lay down some ground rules. stuff about visiting and such. and telling him straight out "No, we're not getting back together, so give up."
ahh, relationships do suck sometimes! yes, sometimes I am glad I'm single!