My son is on a mission to walk noooooooo lmao he's climbing up onto everything and falling over in the result of a bump on the head and 5mins of crying
but it still hasn't put him off although im starting to go grey lol....the funny thing is he hasn't even properly started crawling yet. He is very much loving his walker which is great im going christmas shopping on wednesday to get him loads of toys wish me luck lol.
I told you all about the weirdo's i had on uno the other week well my mate ciaran got a taste of it two nights ago when a gay guy joined and was sending him messages asking him to masterbate for him and send pics of his dick
i couldn't stop laughing he was like now i know how you feel so this is a warning to all guys who play it as well as the girls lmao!!!
I havn't really been up to much still waiting for pinkyclyde to finish photoshopping my set im not to worried though as i know she's a very busy lady
, and i
her and know she'll make it look great hehe...i hope this one goes pink i really did enjoy doing it and can't wait to see the end result.
Oh and i got gears of war back today so i should be on that tonight i havn't played it in almost 3 months as microsoft messed up and i've had to wait until now to get a new disc back...but on the plus side they sent us 2 wireless controllers and a battery pack
well thats it for now
love to all

I told you all about the weirdo's i had on uno the other week well my mate ciaran got a taste of it two nights ago when a gay guy joined and was sending him messages asking him to masterbate for him and send pics of his dick

I havn't really been up to much still waiting for pinkyclyde to finish photoshopping my set im not to worried though as i know she's a very busy lady

Oh and i got gears of war back today so i should be on that tonight i havn't played it in almost 3 months as microsoft messed up and i've had to wait until now to get a new disc back...but on the plus side they sent us 2 wireless controllers and a battery pack

well thats it for now
love to all

I just close my eyes and I always see firework so that o-k
and forget the pink thing I'll gonna drawing you anyway !!!