I don't update enough...but to be honest i don't really have much to say
same shit different day lol....
well my boyfriend is buying my a xbox WOOT WOOT i think he's had enough of me playing with his one
lol, that means im going to have to buy more games for it...oh what a hard life i have lmao, it great as i've now made a pretty large friends list on my gamertag, so now i can actually play when there on and ty is asleep hehe.
i think my first game will be halo 3...but half life will be out by then aswell hmmm, well i have time to decide lol
Both my guys are sick they have colds, i feel so bad for my lil one as he's only 6months and this is his first cold or 'sickness' he didn't sleep last night
, but he's asleep now so thats good he's getting better, i was up til 4am with him last night
he was coughing loads which made me feel bad as i couldn't do anything but its all good now he's on the mend 
oh look at that i did have stuff to say
love to all, hope you had a good weekend phix

well my boyfriend is buying my a xbox WOOT WOOT i think he's had enough of me playing with his one

i think my first game will be halo 3...but half life will be out by then aswell hmmm, well i have time to decide lol
Both my guys are sick they have colds, i feel so bad for my lil one as he's only 6months and this is his first cold or 'sickness' he didn't sleep last night

oh look at that i did have stuff to say

love to all, hope you had a good weekend phix

As soon as it is though, I'll be getting my ass kicked all the damn time.