hey all, i havn't posted in ages....i've been a bit sick this week
but im feeling better now although the beer i drunk last night didn't help, but it did feel good at the time hehe, it was my first acoholic drink since falling pregnant with ty
. I can't believe how much i used to drink, i could never do it now, all those drunken nights with a beggining and end but not much memory of the inbetween lol.
Im meeting a photographer from MM tomorrow, not for an SG set but for a book about femme fatales that he would like to put me in, im really nervous im not sure how these things are meant to go but i think we will be discussing make-up and outfits. Im scared but excited at the same time, i hope he doesn't meet me and change he's mind lol.
Ty is having weird sleep patterns, i thought i'd got him into a routine but the last couple of days he's been getting up at 5am for an hour then going back to sleep, i don't mind getting up and playing with him for that hour but i dont really want that being he's new routine
, well hopefully i'll be able to sort it.
i'll be shooting a new set next sunday *fingers crossed* it all goes well and i find a good location, if anyone has any location ideas in london i'd be happy to hear them
....i am so happy that my last set got so many nice comments thanks again!!
love to all

Im meeting a photographer from MM tomorrow, not for an SG set but for a book about femme fatales that he would like to put me in, im really nervous im not sure how these things are meant to go but i think we will be discussing make-up and outfits. Im scared but excited at the same time, i hope he doesn't meet me and change he's mind lol.
Ty is having weird sleep patterns, i thought i'd got him into a routine but the last couple of days he's been getting up at 5am for an hour then going back to sleep, i don't mind getting up and playing with him for that hour but i dont really want that being he's new routine

i'll be shooting a new set next sunday *fingers crossed* it all goes well and i find a good location, if anyone has any location ideas in london i'd be happy to hear them

love to all

I think kids sleep patterns are programmed to become erratic just as soon as they become predictable.
A femme fatal shoot? That sounds neat. I hope it works out for you, and if it doesn't, and you're suddenly dropped from the possibility, that only means they weren't interested in quality.
Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon.

Lookin forward to a new set!