Winter is almost here and omg its getting cold, luckily i have Tyler keeping me active lol, he keeps crawling over to all the electrical wires that i tried to hide behind the TV. He is already addicted to electrical equipment at 5months the xbox, TV, remotes and the stereo, he is going to be one expensive boy
I best start saving the pennys.
I havn't really been doing much lately, eat, sleep, play with Ty and occasionally clean lol, although i did do a massive clean yesterday, sweeping, moping, hovering getting through the mountain of clothes
which i really hate lol its neverending.
I think i just need a night out, any offers?
, i should really go to one of the UK meets i'd love to meet some of you, and they look like a laugh. Maybe i'll arrange something for my birthday and put it up as a meet....although if nobody shows that could put a downer on the day....i'll have to think about that 1 lol.
Also i'd like to add a massive THANKYOU! to all the lovely people who put a comment on my set
it makes me smile knowing so many of you loved it, i really can't wait to shoot my next set in october with the lovely Pinkyclyde who i also want to say Thankyou to if it wasn't for her that set wouldn't look so good or even exist lol
thankyou hun
so obviously im going to put a link here hehe anymore comments are welcome
love to all
I havn't really been doing much lately, eat, sleep, play with Ty and occasionally clean lol, although i did do a massive clean yesterday, sweeping, moping, hovering getting through the mountain of clothes
I think i just need a night out, any offers?
Also i'd like to add a massive THANKYOU! to all the lovely people who put a comment on my set
so obviously im going to put a link here hehe anymore comments are welcome
love to all
hecks yes it's cold It's so cold here in norcal I can't sleep lol I look like an eskimo!!!
Great set you got in your pic section, Two Thumb Up !! I support it