It's been a busy week, so i havn't been able to update until son got to meet his great gran and his second uncle for the first time which was a crazy day it took him a good hour to settle as he was scared of meeting new people, granted there were 8 people in the room at the time all wanting to hold him and being passed around was making him cry
, anyway i thought it would be nice to add some pictures of his week (yeah i know im a show off but im a proud mum, and look at him can you blame me
sitting on the table (his just learnt how to sit up)

sitting on the table (his just learnt how to sit up)
I almost spat out a mouthful of tea when this happened his dummy fell out of his mouth and he caught it on his toe and was desperately trying to get it back in his mouth lol
the last one for today 'Baby behind bars' lol i built his cot yesterday and he seemed to like it
well thats all for now hope your having a great weekend
love to all
hehe aww sweetness, he will be able to climb over those bars one day though you know 

So cute. You have a beautiful baby.