Don't you just love it when you check your bank and you have money yay! and to add to that it was a lovely hot day so we went out and took our son shopping for a new cot, he's getting a bit big for the moses basket and he kicks in his sleep which hurts lol.
Is it just me or does time go really slow when you have a shoot coming up, the shoot is on wednesday which just seems like forever away and i know that when PinkyClyde gets here its going to speed past relly fast.
I've finally thought up 2 ideas just incase we have time to do 2 or one is just really bad and i need a backup lol.
this week has been crazy Tyler had his second set of jabs and has been driving me insane at one point i thought i was a bad mum because he was crying an screaming and i didn't know what to do luckily i settled him it took half an hour but i worked it out
. I should really warn pinkyclyde of what she's coming to lol.
well i think thats it, love to all, i look forward to tell you all how it went
Is it just me or does time go really slow when you have a shoot coming up, the shoot is on wednesday which just seems like forever away and i know that when PinkyClyde gets here its going to speed past relly fast.
I've finally thought up 2 ideas just incase we have time to do 2 or one is just really bad and i need a backup lol.
this week has been crazy Tyler had his second set of jabs and has been driving me insane at one point i thought i was a bad mum because he was crying an screaming and i didn't know what to do luckily i settled him it took half an hour but i worked it out

well i think thats it, love to all, i look forward to tell you all how it went

Have a good shoot. Looking forward to seeing it here. By the way, those films were on if you ever want to check them out. Later.
Yeah free money is always nice. Hope the shoot went well today.