I think i might have a wee problem with alcohol 
I want to be dry, but im scared. Scared because i want a drink right now, scared that if i can do this i will always want a drink. I gave up smoking two years ago and wanted a cigarette every day... now im smoking again.
Cor thats a bit of a defeatist attitude to have Phinn. I feel like writing this here is going to give me the kick up the backside i need to try to sort it out.
Anyway, im going to go and talk to my homeopath tomorrow and try to get some help.
Wish me luck x
Also, can someone tell me where i can find my bookmarks? Am i being blind, or are they not there? x

I want to be dry, but im scared. Scared because i want a drink right now, scared that if i can do this i will always want a drink. I gave up smoking two years ago and wanted a cigarette every day... now im smoking again.
Cor thats a bit of a defeatist attitude to have Phinn. I feel like writing this here is going to give me the kick up the backside i need to try to sort it out.
Anyway, im going to go and talk to my homeopath tomorrow and try to get some help.
Wish me luck x
Also, can someone tell me where i can find my bookmarks? Am i being blind, or are they not there? x
try not to stress too much over the booze
just cut down a bit
moderation will seem less daunting than complete abstinence
i think with booze and fags (and drugs for that matter) you always remember the good side
the fond memories
Betina hasn't drank or smoked for nearly 8 years and every so often she'll say something like
" i could murder a good gin & tonic "
and if i catch a whiff of a ciggie floating on the breeze, outside in the morning
god ! smells gorgeous !
if you think that moderation won't work (which is basically what Betina found)
then go for it, i'm sure you'll be fine