I start new series about birds...
In Lille, the 24th of feb, I do my first exposition.
I will actualise as soon as possible my Dawanda shop to show/sell you my work.
See you.
NB : I'll be shot soon, by Lysippe. When we found a garden, next to Lille.
If you had some ideas...
In Lille, the 24th of feb, I do my first exposition.

I will actualise as soon as possible my Dawanda shop to show/sell you my work.
See you.
NB : I'll be shot soon, by Lysippe. When we found a garden, next to Lille.
If you had some ideas...
J'aime beaucoup tes dessins!! Et tu as une branche de cerisier dans le dos comme moi (je te hais :p) Je tcherai de me rappeler ton expo, j'aimerais beaucoup la voir!