the museum auction was tonight. it was a pretty interesting experience - left me with a lot to think about. i was extremely glad for the change of pace - i even bid on an item and won!

i was annoyed that this book was placed in the "FOR HIM" section of the silent auction. what about this item suggests that it's for males alone? POETRY IS FOR THE LADIES too. it's a first edition from a local store called "Strange Maine". i've always wanted to check the store out - but it looks like the kind of place that Enid from Ghost World would've hung around, a place with its own social spectrum of people coming in and out. i always feel strange going in to places like that. but anyway - i'm really happy to have this collection.

here's a freebie from the museum. i really like this pin. i like that Ferdinand is a story about a pacifist bull. i just wanted to toss this in - i think it's cute.

this is my new (and temporary) room. as you can see, there are piles of shit everywhere. i might take the time to correct this - but probably not. i have a lot of stressful things on my plate, so a perpetually growing pile of clothing at the foot of my bed is nothing. note the cozy little nook i carved out for myself by the top of the bed. i am sitting there RIGHT NOW.

and finally, here's my bird. it's a shitty picture. i didn't want to get too close up, because she's still healing and looks a bit rough-ish. she's going to need a touch up in a couple of places. this is because i'm a fuck up and scratched it a couple of times in the night. oh well - the touch up is free.
she's one part of a larger series i'm getting. i won't post the picture for inspiration - because it's my hope that no one else ever ever ever gets this done. i'm a petulant child, i know. it's also past my bedtime.

i was annoyed that this book was placed in the "FOR HIM" section of the silent auction. what about this item suggests that it's for males alone? POETRY IS FOR THE LADIES too. it's a first edition from a local store called "Strange Maine". i've always wanted to check the store out - but it looks like the kind of place that Enid from Ghost World would've hung around, a place with its own social spectrum of people coming in and out. i always feel strange going in to places like that. but anyway - i'm really happy to have this collection.

here's a freebie from the museum. i really like this pin. i like that Ferdinand is a story about a pacifist bull. i just wanted to toss this in - i think it's cute.

this is my new (and temporary) room. as you can see, there are piles of shit everywhere. i might take the time to correct this - but probably not. i have a lot of stressful things on my plate, so a perpetually growing pile of clothing at the foot of my bed is nothing. note the cozy little nook i carved out for myself by the top of the bed. i am sitting there RIGHT NOW.

and finally, here's my bird. it's a shitty picture. i didn't want to get too close up, because she's still healing and looks a bit rough-ish. she's going to need a touch up in a couple of places. this is because i'm a fuck up and scratched it a couple of times in the night. oh well - the touch up is free.
she's one part of a larger series i'm getting. i won't post the picture for inspiration - because it's my hope that no one else ever ever ever gets this done. i'm a petulant child, i know. it's also past my bedtime.