Mom died this year and I want to get a traditional "Mom" heart tattoo but with her name instead of just mom. I don't have any tattoos right now and I really don't know if this is breaking etiquette or anything.

Any tattooed folks out there care to weigh in?


Okay, I did my first stand up set since 1992 on Friday and I will be shooting a sketch that I wrote in the next week. A switch was flipped in me and all the shit that I should have let out for the last who knows how many years is coming out like a fucking vengeance! Just happy and sharing.


Hey guys, I think that I drink too much. What should I do to correct this without quitting drinking?

I guess if you don't want to stop drinking just accept being an alcoholic?
@arroezze alcoholism is an urban myth.

Watching college football, listening to Guided by Voices and The Sword and purging a bunch of crap I had in storage. Just another adventure filled Saturday night for your friend and humble narrator.