So I have another show this Wed at Sal's (in fact every week for the next month) and have been working on flyers and talking people into coming. Luckily for me my wonderful girl is helping me sort them all out (graphic designers rock) so all I have to do is hand them out. Still I feel like this is a lot more work than I bargained for. Oh well.

In a different note entirely, why do I feel addicted to SG? In particular I feel I spend a lot of time jerking off to all you fine ladies. I can't help myself and feel like sharing.

In a different note entirely, why do I feel addicted to SG? In particular I feel I spend a lot of time jerking off to all you fine ladies. I can't help myself and feel like sharing.

I get bored when I'm at my house so I take odd pictures of cookies and nudity bwahaha
If I get a chance I'll come see you spin, but Wednesday nights are rough for me 'cos I have 6 hours of classes the next day