Pretty full weekend, and mighty fun. My liver is attempting to climb up my esophagus, but I'm washing it back down with some beer.
Fri: Not shit went on. Was invited to the Fez, but opted out in order to be well-rested for Saturday's events.
Sat: Up early, presenting at the Emerging Leaders conference at PSU. Total SNAFU. PowerPoint presentation was fucked royally, so I had to wing the presentation. First session went fairly well, had about 20 attendees. 2nd session, only two, one of whom claimed to be from Louisiana, but failed to pass my gumbo test (She's from northern Louisiana, which us New Orleans people would just as soon annex to Arkansas, but that's still no excuse). So, the conference was pretty much a bust, but I did get a free book and a roast beef sandwich out of it.
Saturday Night: After the insanely busy week I had (damn conference season), I was determined to blow off some steam. Hansel decided to help me out, so we had a raging jam session fueled by Natty Light, PBR, and Knob Creek whiskey. Then off to a rollicking party where we hobnobbed with Ryan, Alley, d23, Milo, spankenstein, and others. I had some vegan chocolate cake that blew my mind, quite a lot of New Deal vodka and more Knob Creek, and too many cigarettes. Good times were had by all, though I expected Hansel to spontaneously combust at some point (and I had to chase his punk ass down the street). Oh, the houseparties, how I missed them. All we needed were Kid and Play.
Sunday: Slept late. Left Hansel passed out on my couch and went to visit my friend Carri. We (including her excellent kids, Cascade and Huxley) ate turkey bacon and chicken nuggets, rocked out to some Tuvan throat singing, and went to the park. Carri gave me a cutting board, a steamer pot, several new CDs, and a weed butter ginger snap. She and the rest of her family are just incredible. She and her husband fit together so well, and their kids are wonderful. I always leave their home feeling like everything in the world is going to be okay, as long as we have people like this. Plus, her husband homebrews some wicked beer.
Sunday night: Met up with our newest PDX arrival, Mikael, and his dad for drinks and dinner. I was waaayyyyy higher than I was comfortable with, meeting his dad and all (these things happen), but I don't think his dad noticed, and I had a great time. Sweet potato fries and Workingman's Red, and chicken fingers as big as my head. It's great to have Mikael here in PDX. I'm sure many of you will meet him soon.
My housewarming party is in the works. Further bulletins as events warrant.
Fri: Not shit went on. Was invited to the Fez, but opted out in order to be well-rested for Saturday's events.
Sat: Up early, presenting at the Emerging Leaders conference at PSU. Total SNAFU. PowerPoint presentation was fucked royally, so I had to wing the presentation. First session went fairly well, had about 20 attendees. 2nd session, only two, one of whom claimed to be from Louisiana, but failed to pass my gumbo test (She's from northern Louisiana, which us New Orleans people would just as soon annex to Arkansas, but that's still no excuse). So, the conference was pretty much a bust, but I did get a free book and a roast beef sandwich out of it.
Saturday Night: After the insanely busy week I had (damn conference season), I was determined to blow off some steam. Hansel decided to help me out, so we had a raging jam session fueled by Natty Light, PBR, and Knob Creek whiskey. Then off to a rollicking party where we hobnobbed with Ryan, Alley, d23, Milo, spankenstein, and others. I had some vegan chocolate cake that blew my mind, quite a lot of New Deal vodka and more Knob Creek, and too many cigarettes. Good times were had by all, though I expected Hansel to spontaneously combust at some point (and I had to chase his punk ass down the street). Oh, the houseparties, how I missed them. All we needed were Kid and Play.

Sunday: Slept late. Left Hansel passed out on my couch and went to visit my friend Carri. We (including her excellent kids, Cascade and Huxley) ate turkey bacon and chicken nuggets, rocked out to some Tuvan throat singing, and went to the park. Carri gave me a cutting board, a steamer pot, several new CDs, and a weed butter ginger snap. She and the rest of her family are just incredible. She and her husband fit together so well, and their kids are wonderful. I always leave their home feeling like everything in the world is going to be okay, as long as we have people like this. Plus, her husband homebrews some wicked beer.
Sunday night: Met up with our newest PDX arrival, Mikael, and his dad for drinks and dinner. I was waaayyyyy higher than I was comfortable with, meeting his dad and all (these things happen), but I don't think his dad noticed, and I had a great time. Sweet potato fries and Workingman's Red, and chicken fingers as big as my head. It's great to have Mikael here in PDX. I'm sure many of you will meet him soon.
My housewarming party is in the works. Further bulletins as events warrant.
Cubase. Cubase. Cubase.
Events have now been warranted.