I'm already regretting renewing my subscription to this site. It's so fucking stale and boring. The threads are in this endless cycle of repetition, and the news shit, oh the news shit. I am going to rant about the SG News service for a bit. It's completely useless. All people do is visit fark.com, cut and paste articles, and submit them to SG. Verbatim, generally. Absolutely pointless. And the parts that the SG people do type? Usually bullshit, especially from a grammatical point of view. Now, I know I'm overly picky, because my bachelor's is in journalism, but hell. On the boards, and in journals (my own journal included), I could care less about grammar and such. But anything labeled "news" should have certain standards.
My biggest object of hatred on this site though? The shitty fucking interviews with Daniel Robert Epstine, possibly the worst interviewer I've ever had the displeasure to read. He gets to interview tremendous people but rarely comes up with intelligent, insightful questions, instead using standard, trite, pandering questions. And back to the editing thing, jesus. I find incorrect spellings and all sorts of awful shit in his interviews. This shit is important, people! I realize that I use terms like "ain't", "y'all", "fixing to" and others, but that's in my casual communications. Anything professional should have certain standards, and apparently he has none, yet he gets to gallavant around New York interviewing Christopher Walken. Am I jealous? Hell yes. Am I a better writer/interviewer than he is? Hell yes.
I have no idea where this rant came from, but now it's in you're brain cells and you're stuck with it, as Gary Larson said.
My biggest object of hatred on this site though? The shitty fucking interviews with Daniel Robert Epstine, possibly the worst interviewer I've ever had the displeasure to read. He gets to interview tremendous people but rarely comes up with intelligent, insightful questions, instead using standard, trite, pandering questions. And back to the editing thing, jesus. I find incorrect spellings and all sorts of awful shit in his interviews. This shit is important, people! I realize that I use terms like "ain't", "y'all", "fixing to" and others, but that's in my casual communications. Anything professional should have certain standards, and apparently he has none, yet he gets to gallavant around New York interviewing Christopher Walken. Am I jealous? Hell yes. Am I a better writer/interviewer than he is? Hell yes.
I have no idea where this rant came from, but now it's in you're brain cells and you're stuck with it, as Gary Larson said.
maybe when i have some one to cuddle with i will stop posting