So, yes, an update is long overdue.
First off, a huge thank you to those who gave me words of support during my period of not being able to afford to feed myself and such. Things have stablized quite a bit. Got a payroll advance from work, got some money from the folks. Still working on a second job, but at least bills for the month are covered and the larder is full.
Not too much interesting news. Traded an old computer monitor for 4 cases of brew, so I've been on a bit of a binger. Splurged a bit and went to Pirate this week, and I'm glad I did. I always have fun, hopefully finances will continue to hold and I can keep going.
Got busted being drunk on the roof of the Portland Brewing Company this week. Was running amok inside the brewery, drinking straight from the 3000 gallon vats, then eventually shinnied up a vat on the outside of the building and jumped to the roof.
Taking a trip down to Louisiana to see the folks in about 2 weeks. Thinking about sending myself a care package back with the makings for an SG: PDX cajun feast.
And my fucking best friend is moving to Portland if he can find a job here! Anyone who hears of a graphic design opening, give me a holler. He'd be a good addition to the Portland scene, a badass guitarist with a hot Belgian girlfriend.
That's what we all need, a hot Belgian girlfriend. And a cold Belgian ale.
First off, a huge thank you to those who gave me words of support during my period of not being able to afford to feed myself and such. Things have stablized quite a bit. Got a payroll advance from work, got some money from the folks. Still working on a second job, but at least bills for the month are covered and the larder is full.
Not too much interesting news. Traded an old computer monitor for 4 cases of brew, so I've been on a bit of a binger. Splurged a bit and went to Pirate this week, and I'm glad I did. I always have fun, hopefully finances will continue to hold and I can keep going.
Got busted being drunk on the roof of the Portland Brewing Company this week. Was running amok inside the brewery, drinking straight from the 3000 gallon vats, then eventually shinnied up a vat on the outside of the building and jumped to the roof.
Taking a trip down to Louisiana to see the folks in about 2 weeks. Thinking about sending myself a care package back with the makings for an SG: PDX cajun feast.
And my fucking best friend is moving to Portland if he can find a job here! Anyone who hears of a graphic design opening, give me a holler. He'd be a good addition to the Portland scene, a badass guitarist with a hot Belgian girlfriend.
That's what we all need, a hot Belgian girlfriend. And a cold Belgian ale.
Mmmm, cajun fest. Sounds good to me. 

Willie Nelson is playing the Maryhill Winery on September 18th, I'll be there, will you?