I've decided that I need a new profile pic. This one is from two years ago when I lived in Alaska. The hair is now a bit shorter, but still just as curly (no defeating the Kyle curls), and I no longer have that scraggly facial hair (got a full-fledged beard now). Don't have a digital cam though, and it's proven impossible to take a decent picture of me with my webcam. Maybe I'll just use a picture of my cock and leave it at that.
I've only been in Portland for a little bit over a month, and already I find myself in junior high drama. I knew a couple of folks here, mainly an ex-girlfriend whom I'm still quite close to, and her boyfriend, whom I thought I was starting to be pretty decent friends with. Apparently the boy is convinced that I'm intent on snatching away his girl, or at least having some random ex-sex with her, neither of which are on my to-do list. We are simply incompatible mentally, eliminating any desire for a second round of dating, and the sex is, well, quite frankly wretched, so there is definitely no interest there. I've been unable to convince the guy of this though, and the girl isn't helping matters. She climbed into my bed the other night in a drunken haze and promptly tried to get me to sleep with her. I've got decent willpower in this arena, though, so I rolled over and went to sleep. Certainly can't deny that it was tempting, as I hadn't felt the warmth of another body next to mine in well, quite a long time.
So, he's at me for nothing, and she seems pissed that I rejected her.
Oi. People wonder why I stay home most of the time, immersing myself in my books, my music, and my beer.
Who wants to come over an sample my rosemary stew?
I've only been in Portland for a little bit over a month, and already I find myself in junior high drama. I knew a couple of folks here, mainly an ex-girlfriend whom I'm still quite close to, and her boyfriend, whom I thought I was starting to be pretty decent friends with. Apparently the boy is convinced that I'm intent on snatching away his girl, or at least having some random ex-sex with her, neither of which are on my to-do list. We are simply incompatible mentally, eliminating any desire for a second round of dating, and the sex is, well, quite frankly wretched, so there is definitely no interest there. I've been unable to convince the guy of this though, and the girl isn't helping matters. She climbed into my bed the other night in a drunken haze and promptly tried to get me to sleep with her. I've got decent willpower in this arena, though, so I rolled over and went to sleep. Certainly can't deny that it was tempting, as I hadn't felt the warmth of another body next to mine in well, quite a long time.
So, he's at me for nothing, and she seems pissed that I rejected her.
Oi. People wonder why I stay home most of the time, immersing myself in my books, my music, and my beer.
Who wants to come over an sample my rosemary stew?
Actually I got hungover from many shots of tequila, the only sweetish thing I had saturday night was wine. Though that could have done the trick as well. I think it was mostly because I stayed up too late though. I can have lots of liquor but if I don't get enough sleep it doesn't matter.
That sounds so gorgeous. Lack of industry, it sounds, is definitely a GOOD thing. You are so fortunate to have lived somewhere so pristine. If I didn't enjoy modern civilization so thoroughly, I'd move there in a heartbeat. Or Canada. Nugs are "pretty much" legal there now.