Being unable to post for a while because of the cross-country move apparently got me out of the habit entirely. Time to get back in the saddle....
I made it to Portland safe and sound, and I have to say, I'm really digging this place so far. Unfortunately it took every last dime I had (plus the $$ I had to borrow from friends and family) to make the sojourn out here and get my place set up, so I'm having to spend most of my time laying around my apartment, wishing for food (but I get my food stamps tomorrow!)
Still waiting for word on the job scene. I will hopefully be starting my job with PSU on Monday, but that's only going to cover rent and maybe a bill or two, so I'm hunting for a second job. Got some applications in, just playing the waiting game now, which is fucking hard without beer or bud to wait with. I've wandered about town some, taking in the sites, but since I live out in Milwaukie, it's hard to see something interesting without bus fare.
Here are my favorite things about Portland so far:
1. No humidity. I can stand outside at high noon and not be immediately soaked in sweat.
2. More concerts and shows than I know what to do with.
3. Recycling. People here recycle. Try asking someone about recycling in south Mississippi. Prepare for knee to groin.
4. Fish tacos. Fun to eat, and nasty to say! Having a variety of foods to choose from is fantastic. I love my Southern food and all, but jesus, not everything has to be caked in batter and fried.
5.Public transportation. Always knew I'd use it, were I ever to live in a city where it is a viable option.
And the few things I dislike so far:
1. You can't pump your own gas. What the hell is this shit. I'm not crippled, folks.
2. Panhandling. If I'm dressed nice, for a job interview say, I get hit up for cash that I honestly do not have. If I dress in my normal style, I get hit up for weed, which I also do not have.
3. Pricey, pricey. Maybe not to you folks, but coming from Mississippi/Louisiana, these prices are out of my league. But, I got used to that in London, and I'll get used to it here.
Overall, I really do love this place. Looking forward to starting work and school so I can get out there and meet some people. If anyone wants to hang out with the new guy, feel free to drop a line!
I made it to Portland safe and sound, and I have to say, I'm really digging this place so far. Unfortunately it took every last dime I had (plus the $$ I had to borrow from friends and family) to make the sojourn out here and get my place set up, so I'm having to spend most of my time laying around my apartment, wishing for food (but I get my food stamps tomorrow!)
Still waiting for word on the job scene. I will hopefully be starting my job with PSU on Monday, but that's only going to cover rent and maybe a bill or two, so I'm hunting for a second job. Got some applications in, just playing the waiting game now, which is fucking hard without beer or bud to wait with. I've wandered about town some, taking in the sites, but since I live out in Milwaukie, it's hard to see something interesting without bus fare.
Here are my favorite things about Portland so far:
1. No humidity. I can stand outside at high noon and not be immediately soaked in sweat.
2. More concerts and shows than I know what to do with.
3. Recycling. People here recycle. Try asking someone about recycling in south Mississippi. Prepare for knee to groin.
4. Fish tacos. Fun to eat, and nasty to say! Having a variety of foods to choose from is fantastic. I love my Southern food and all, but jesus, not everything has to be caked in batter and fried.
5.Public transportation. Always knew I'd use it, were I ever to live in a city where it is a viable option.
And the few things I dislike so far:
1. You can't pump your own gas. What the hell is this shit. I'm not crippled, folks.
2. Panhandling. If I'm dressed nice, for a job interview say, I get hit up for cash that I honestly do not have. If I dress in my normal style, I get hit up for weed, which I also do not have.
3. Pricey, pricey. Maybe not to you folks, but coming from Mississippi/Louisiana, these prices are out of my league. But, I got used to that in London, and I'll get used to it here.
Overall, I really do love this place. Looking forward to starting work and school so I can get out there and meet some people. If anyone wants to hang out with the new guy, feel free to drop a line!
He gets to pump his own gas for a whole year over here in Ireland.
The recycling situation out her blows.- My husband keeps putting stuff in the recyle bin that will get us into trouble- like plastic bottles n such.
Its crazy. On the other hand- they make you pay for plastic bags so everyone carries their own bags here.
(thats cool)
FYI I love the song NightSwimming by REM!- Its one of my all time faves.