I can't believe that it is April already. The 1st quarter has just flown by. One week until vacation, I am so ready for a break. I am really going to try and wrap things up so that I don't have to be in contact with the office while I am chillin' in the hot tub. It should be a good week. I SG (yes those really are her initials) on the 13th, but I think the 5th is the last day I will get to work with her. I am going to miss her. I am hoping to post more over the next 30-60 days as a kind of inexpensive therapy. I get hung up on a lot of little issues that make decision making almost impossible until I am right up on a deadline. I also set unrealistic time lines for what I think I can get done in a workday. Anyway, what do you do to cope with work when there is more work than intelligent workers to get things done.