I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving Day. It was a pretty long week for me with rehearsals on Monday and Tuesday, and a 4+ hour commute home on Wednesday night. I will NOT be doing that again. I will work from home or take a vacation day or something. I got to see my mom and brother on Thursday, and my nieces on Friday. All in all a pretty good week. I FINALLY get to take the van in to the body shop to get it fixed. BBKF hit a deer and the right headlight, quarterpanel and part of the grill are all jacked up. It took forever to get the stupid parts in. Thanks for checking in. Oh, I read a good Wierd Al interview (music.yahoo.com/read/interview/12027570).
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I always dread the run up to Christmas. Going to work and coming … -
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Friday Jul 13, 2007
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Saturday Jun 16, 2007
Heading to Baltimore today for some R&R.; Plans include seeing my fr… -
Thursday Apr 05, 2007
2 lines on a stick!!! The adventure starts again!.
Wierd Al interview