It's been a few days, how about another member appreciation post?!
These appreciation blogs have been another way for me to give back to members, being one of the most important groups of people keeping this community going. I hope I can bring the community even closer together and show my gratitude to everyone as often as possible, that goes for members, hopefuls, sgs, photographers and staff. This does not take away from the love and kindness I see throughout the site from literally everyone so please don't think I don't see you, I always see you! 😇
Today I want to talk about @diggermanjosh
What a wonderful supportive guy! I am constantly seeing comments and love around the site from @diggermanjosh and have felt my fair share too on so many of my posts and sets. Constantly. Thank you!
Please go give @diggermanjosh a follow and show him some love. This community is stronger together so let's not be all about the following count ratio just to look cool, 2020 needs more kindness and less fucks given about what others think 🤭💖
Every little follow, comment, like, and share in blogs or social media really does make a difference to the community. Thank you for doing the same for me and others!!
As there are thousands of you, I'll be posting another member appreciation post very shortly - you are all amazing and are all deserving of my appreciation, no matter what!!! (read this if you need reminding) 💖
Also, special thank you to everyone who is helping with #Mission3k on my latest sets, I have another new set out in less than 12 hours and will be asking you to help me get that to 3k again - no pressure though! In the meantime, keep being awesome my loves 🙏🏻💖
Phee x
@missy @rambo
Previous member appreciation posts can be found BY CLICKING HERE