“No regrets, just love”-Katy Perry
I’ve been mindful that I’ve been active on SG for a couple months now and still hadn’t posted a proper blog yet, so what better day to start?!
And it’s all about positivity. I know we all say it, we all want to feel it but we don’t always have that motivation or enough to help turn our sometimes bad moods into good ones. Life gets hard sometimes and we can’t always see past that.
So here’s a little tip that I’ve been using recently. Take 3 positive things from each day, and focus on those. It’s that simple.
You had a bad day at work but you completed a project within the deadline? Focus on that project. You had a bad day at work but managed to fit in a lunch break for the first time in months? That’s cool too (although it is important to take breaks when you should, obviously! I’ve fallen into that trap too many times). You didn’t manage to leave the house but you had a shower or brushed your hair? These little things are still big achievements.
For me, it’s things like, seeing Katy Perry for the first time this week with my twin sister, going to an Alexisonfire show, eating a few healthy meals after going without food for two days because my eating habits (or lack of) got so bad, having a shoot day at my place with a bunch of amazing babes... (pics below)
And that’s just four of many.
It had started off as a “hard week”. Something happened each day that got me down, uncontrollably. I hadn’t been there for my sister when she needed me most (I was preoccupied with my own problems that I wasn’t even concentrating on the conversation I was meant to be having with her), I was dwelling on some bad personal issues, my room was becoming a mess because I wasn’t caring for myself in the way I should, I was feeling severely inadequate or insignificant in so many ways.. but I realised that none of this was good and I needed to turn it around...
So I started to focus on the good. Just in small doses so it wasn’t too overwhelming. I wrote them in my diary each day so I could look back and realise it wasn’t all that bad.
I even set myself some targets to turn things around, for example, tidy my room a little at a time, reach out to my sister to apologise and make up for missing an important call, apply for a new job (and smashed two interviews, go me!). So slowly, things started to feel better.
So give it a go, especially if you’re not feeling great. Even the little things, they really add up and are important. You managed to get out of bed? That’s something. You reached out to a friend or two, that’s awesome. You didn’t do anything all day but managed to concentrate on an episode of Westworld without phone scrolling for hours? That’s good too!
If you’re struggling, please comment below and I’ll try to help in suggesting more ideas. I urge anyone reading to contribute with help too if they can. If you want to contribute with your three positive points, go for it!
The world needs so much more positivity and if we can help, we should in any way possible. The good thing about SG is that it’s an incredibly positive environment already. It’s a safe space for us to be a fun and caring community. None of that trolling or putting others down. It’s unnecessary. And there is no such thing as “too much positivity” so let’s see it, please :)
I hope the suggestion of “three daily positive things” really does help some of you guys. Especially anyone who is finding life hard right now. I’m looking forward to sharing our positive ideas and helping each other 💕
@rambo @missy @sean 🙏🏼
@ladyfirefox & @fyre_ (we had a pillow fight, of course!)