so I'm back from my honeymoon, with AntiPrincess. outstanding. well, except for the first day., but you can get that story over at her journal..
[semi-racist rant coming]
Yea, I had to bribe the fucking greedy dirty son-of-a-bitch mexican immigration official. if I wanted to give him $10, I would have had him mow my lawn! And that stupid bitch at the hotel, had the conditions mentioned elsewhere not applied, I would have jumped over the counter, and knocked her the fuck out.
[end rant]
That feels better now. I'm not racist, but I'm not above using racist "tactics" (for lack of a better word) to express my anger and aggression.
I hate everyone equally.
[semi-racist rant coming]
Yea, I had to bribe the fucking greedy dirty son-of-a-bitch mexican immigration official. if I wanted to give him $10, I would have had him mow my lawn! And that stupid bitch at the hotel, had the conditions mentioned elsewhere not applied, I would have jumped over the counter, and knocked her the fuck out.
[end rant]
That feels better now. I'm not racist, but I'm not above using racist "tactics" (for lack of a better word) to express my anger and aggression.
I hate everyone equally.