I'm technical support for an 90% Mac shop, and there is nothing for me to do (since macs are so stable. This week I have literally: fixed a suck "6" key (whack the ckeyboard a few times), scrolled someone's screen to the left (they couldn't see an arrow), canceled an order that accidently went through twice.). Monday, I added about 40 pictures to my background images directory ( http://theapt.org/bgpict/ ), and found the handy script that creates the thumbnails and index page.
The script runs on my Apple Titanium Powerbook laptop, running OpenBSD -current. The developers for OpenBSD have this delusion that I am talented enough to be a fellow developer, but my skills aren't up to what any of them can do. I'm crazy enough to look at some black-magic, but I don't know *exactly* what it does, which means changing said black-magic is *stupid*. (for those of you playing at home: I"m looking at fixing some missing features of ld.so, to handle ELF dynamic linking. Specifically fixing a dlopen()/dlsym() bug, and to add RTLD_NOW and RTLD_GLOBAL flags) To gain said skills, I'm doing the exercises in "Practical C Programming" from O'Reilly. Those fellow geeks out there know the superb quality of any of their books, and know that when you actually read them, you learn a metric ass-load of knowledge. Once I finish this book, I also have Donald Knuth's "The Art Of Computer Programming" to bust though, but I think I'll con one of my friends into reading it with me, so we can teach each other. (Note: this is not part of the group of friends that AntiPrincess is referring to, this is a *real* friend
The script runs on my Apple Titanium Powerbook laptop, running OpenBSD -current. The developers for OpenBSD have this delusion that I am talented enough to be a fellow developer, but my skills aren't up to what any of them can do. I'm crazy enough to look at some black-magic, but I don't know *exactly* what it does, which means changing said black-magic is *stupid*. (for those of you playing at home: I"m looking at fixing some missing features of ld.so, to handle ELF dynamic linking. Specifically fixing a dlopen()/dlsym() bug, and to add RTLD_NOW and RTLD_GLOBAL flags) To gain said skills, I'm doing the exercises in "Practical C Programming" from O'Reilly. Those fellow geeks out there know the superb quality of any of their books, and know that when you actually read them, you learn a metric ass-load of knowledge. Once I finish this book, I also have Donald Knuth's "The Art Of Computer Programming" to bust though, but I think I'll con one of my friends into reading it with me, so we can teach each other. (Note: this is not part of the group of friends that AntiPrincess is referring to, this is a *real* friend
I love you! And I miss you. As much as you know I adore my mom, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to survive a whole week out here. I hope you're having lots of fun. Oh, and on a side note, you remember that song that you said would make people cry? My mom cried when she heard it. You're so smart.