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Started a new job with the city, its one step closer to my dream job... hope your holidays are full of good news and cheer And to my Sydney friends, I hope you are safe and that you weren't involved with the cafe incident earlier this week.
I'm so slammed right now... In one week I graduate from Colorado State University. Over the last 6 years here I've learned many things, however it's the people who I will miss the most. I came to college after 10 years in the military, and you figure I'd be used to moving on. Perhaps it was my years in the artillery (miles from anyone) or...
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Sure is
lol ! Kisses from France !
Decided to add some pictures of my dog. Its been a long week, and its only Monday.
i can say the same! looong week
Totally should be studying, think I'll watch the Hobbit instead...
Thought of the day:
You know how they say that you're not supposed to hold in a sneeze or it will hurt your brain?
Well you shouldn't hold in a fart. They will travel up your spine, into your brain, and that is where shitty ideas come from...
You know how they say that you're not supposed to hold in a sneeze or it will hurt your brain?
Well you shouldn't hold in a fart. They will travel up your spine, into your brain, and that is where shitty ideas come from...
Safely evacuated, the fire is now over 37,000 acres and still no containment. The ranch is destroyed, but at least we got the horses safely to another ranch east of FoCo. Once the fire's out I'll just have to build again.
I hate starting over sometimes. Grrr...
I hate starting over sometimes. Grrr...

Oh, so sorry to hear that! Glad you are safe! 

Right now there is a 20,000 acre fire burning 10 miles from my house, the sky is choked with smoke, turning the moon blood red. I think its time to move.
D: !! Take care !!!
Thank you!
Tonight was a great night. Finished top of the floor with 58%. All the guys and gals who went through training with me were really kicking butts and taking names and I'm psyched to be working with such a great group of men and women.
On a different note, I'm doing a lot better than I'd thought I would be about the whole break up...
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On a different note, I'm doing a lot better than I'd thought I would be about the whole break up...
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Thanx for your comment on my set "Mans Ruin" 

Thank you for the comment on my set, dear!
Sometime durring the night I decided to do something I haven't done in years. Stay up and watch the sun rise...
Actually I think I'm passing another kidney stone and cant get to sleep.
Or comfortable.
But I still have meds from last month, when this same thing happened to me, and seeing as thats exactly what the ER docs would say, I'm gonna see...
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Actually I think I'm passing another kidney stone and cant get to sleep.
Or comfortable.
But I still have meds from last month, when this same thing happened to me, and seeing as thats exactly what the ER docs would say, I'm gonna see...
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so it was such a beautiful day out that we all decided to go tubing down the river... sounds like a great idea right? The water was like 10 degrees and a couple feet higher than its been in years. If that wasn't enough of a reason to stay out, search and rescue was trying to find the body of a kayaker or something from...
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