Words don't come easily to explain how ones mind works. Split in half never meeting, spirit vs. logic, reasoning. One's mind at war never at peace wondering if they were ever one. The mind a working tool for the spirit, to express what one is, once was, and will be. Ever learning through every life one lives, yet this said tool is symptomatic working against the spirit. Lessons learned it tries to reach knowledge that is there hiding, the subconscious, where past mistakes and victories are held- why held back, why this seperation? Once one reaches it, the mind becomes a pristine mechanism, in this a more complete spirit. Knowing this, one still stumbles. It feels peculiar to be alive grasping for the truth, running two paths, parallel, never meeting. One feels this has been played out before, always repeating, a game never completed, always an extra step, to find ultimate perfection in one's self, mind, body, and spirit reaching to the stars, a burst of pure energy, as it always was, bright with the knowledge it will never lose. Blessed is the transcendence as one becomes one of these stars that others stare at seeking the knowledge they need. A full circle revolving till all stars burst, a new universe created- so beautiful in its complexity yet so simple it makes one smile. Life is beautiful, unrelenting at times, yet one always goes foward knowing there is something more, the fork in the path where mind and spirit meet. true heaven has never looked so righteous in it's will to live.
Hi there phechaos! 

He, he, yeah, ripe is what I need. Being picky can be a bunch of gay.