Well, lets see, since my last post I have spent a week in the hospital, had money troubles, and cut my hair. Those are just the highlights
. Anyway things are getting better, I am going back to school in the fall, already have to apply. It is something to look foward to. I haven't been able to write lately which really makes me edgy, not being able to put my thoughts, feelings onto paper. I need to get out of this blackhole of nothingness in my mind. I have been reading a lot and just listening to music, Die Form right now, and just trying to get centered. I have a break from faires which is a bugger. Our next event is in Las Vegas, I am so looking foward to that, we have so much fun there, walking down the strip in full costume, no weapons though
..lol. Well the cigarettes call, hopefully I will have something to post next time. Love ya all, nighters!
At the time tho, it was a bit skurry.