Knee's trembling, I feel the floor fall out beneath me
my foundation is crumbling, my mind is being invaded
By fear, confusion, and all things I can't undo
I look around, and see no one, only I can save myself now
Can I do this task set before me?
One word -- Hope, it is all I have now
I heard this one quote somewhere, do you all agree?
" If you show people you are happy, they will take it away" I always wonder.
Love you all
this is a past entry, but I added more to it:
Words don't come easily to explain how ones mind works. Split in half never meeting, spirit vs. logic, reasoning. One's mind at war never at peace wondering if they were ever one. The mind a working tool for the spirit, to express what one is, once was, and will be. Ever learning through every life one lives, yet this said tool is symptomatic working against the spirit. Lessons learned it tries to reach knowledge that is there hiding, the subconscious, where past mistakes and victories are held- why held back, why this seperation? Once one reaches it, the mind becomes a pristine mechanism, in this a more complete spirit. Knowing this, one still stumbles. It feels peculiar to be alive grasping for the truth, running two paths, parallel, never meeting. One feels this has been played out before, always repeating, a game never completed, always an extra step, to find ultimate perfection in one's self, mind, body, and spirit reaching to the stars, a burst of pure energy, as it always was, bright with the knowledge it will never lose. Blessed is the transcendence as one becomes one of these stars that others stare at seeking the knowledge they need. A full circle revolving till all stars burst, a new universe created- so beautiful in its complexity yet so simple it makes one smile. Life is beautiful, unrelenting at times, yet one always goes foward knowing there is something more, the fork in the path where mind and spirit meet. true heaven has never looked so righteous in it's will to live.
Enraptured is the mind before the fall. Knowing true transcendence, it seeks no more causing a rift between the spirit and mind once again. The star has lived out it's purpose knowing it must capture what was before, the core knowlodge which was sublime. Slip back to the beginning where simple basic knowing of self formed into the foundation of what is, and will always be. Capture the meaning of the word "I" , and now the thinking. The world is open now, imagination skips a beat then runs forward wondering what light has been thrust upon it. The light holds so much, yet so little is understood. A new world forms around this self giving it meaning. A body so it can move. Touch so it can feel the texture of what the eyes see. Hear the music as the ears yearn to hear more. Sigh in wonder as a breath is released into the air it craves. Having all of this enfolding, defining what is truth and what is not. Now embrace it, let there be a meaning. Let the mind take over in it's race to define the spirit. What I am, what you are, never ending. Stare at the stars and dream
my foundation is crumbling, my mind is being invaded
By fear, confusion, and all things I can't undo
I look around, and see no one, only I can save myself now
Can I do this task set before me?
One word -- Hope, it is all I have now
I heard this one quote somewhere, do you all agree?
" If you show people you are happy, they will take it away" I always wonder.
Love you all

this is a past entry, but I added more to it:
Words don't come easily to explain how ones mind works. Split in half never meeting, spirit vs. logic, reasoning. One's mind at war never at peace wondering if they were ever one. The mind a working tool for the spirit, to express what one is, once was, and will be. Ever learning through every life one lives, yet this said tool is symptomatic working against the spirit. Lessons learned it tries to reach knowledge that is there hiding, the subconscious, where past mistakes and victories are held- why held back, why this seperation? Once one reaches it, the mind becomes a pristine mechanism, in this a more complete spirit. Knowing this, one still stumbles. It feels peculiar to be alive grasping for the truth, running two paths, parallel, never meeting. One feels this has been played out before, always repeating, a game never completed, always an extra step, to find ultimate perfection in one's self, mind, body, and spirit reaching to the stars, a burst of pure energy, as it always was, bright with the knowledge it will never lose. Blessed is the transcendence as one becomes one of these stars that others stare at seeking the knowledge they need. A full circle revolving till all stars burst, a new universe created- so beautiful in its complexity yet so simple it makes one smile. Life is beautiful, unrelenting at times, yet one always goes foward knowing there is something more, the fork in the path where mind and spirit meet. true heaven has never looked so righteous in it's will to live.
Enraptured is the mind before the fall. Knowing true transcendence, it seeks no more causing a rift between the spirit and mind once again. The star has lived out it's purpose knowing it must capture what was before, the core knowlodge which was sublime. Slip back to the beginning where simple basic knowing of self formed into the foundation of what is, and will always be. Capture the meaning of the word "I" , and now the thinking. The world is open now, imagination skips a beat then runs forward wondering what light has been thrust upon it. The light holds so much, yet so little is understood. A new world forms around this self giving it meaning. A body so it can move. Touch so it can feel the texture of what the eyes see. Hear the music as the ears yearn to hear more. Sigh in wonder as a breath is released into the air it craves. Having all of this enfolding, defining what is truth and what is not. Now embrace it, let there be a meaning. Let the mind take over in it's race to define the spirit. What I am, what you are, never ending. Stare at the stars and dream
That quote sorta sounds like they will take it away from you, but I think it will be more that your happiness infects them so you are both happy. i think its true to an extent, a cheery disposition makes others feel good too.
About your writing. Its seems rather mature and wise. It doesn`t seem the work of a 23 year old anyway, which is a plus in your favour.
I don`t actually agree totally that the the spirit and the mind don`t meet, but its a small point. In my view the subcouncious is the boss or the parent and it knows much more than your brain. Infact it tricks your brain all the time and helps it too, with descisions you don`t even know it is making. Again in my view the spirit isn`t the subcontious, its something else. The subcontious is part of the brain and exists in the brain. Its like the brain regulator.
That aside I really liked your writing. It brings up some very valid points, like repeating events, reincarnation and that we are all made of stars
Its a piece that yearns for more, and in that yearning there is some sort of payoff, something wondourous about to be revealed. Its hard enough to write about these thoughts, its exceptional to give the feeling of something through words and emotions that aren`t exactly understood.
Thanks for asking.
Keep well
oh and glad you are getting into a home