Here is the sucky part, my internet is down and I am having a hell of a time getting it back. Same goes for my sis Sorrowsjoy. I will update as soon as possible. Love you all.
sadly, the group's leadership has already been determined...we held out for Sorrowsjoy as long as we could but then it got to the point where if we were leaderless much longer our group might get shut down.
sorry to hear about the internet troubles. hope both you and your sister are well!
yeah,soI been gone for a long time,sorry 'bout that. I will be back soon with a full journal update with all the fun details. Hope e veryone had a great new years. Pog Mo Thoin!!!! Love ya
Okkkkk, it has been a month now since my last update. During this time I have been having a major problem with a certain kidney stone that likes to block my said kidney. It went toxic, I went to the hospital. Lovely times. It was mainly during Halloween Dammit, I missed all the good parties .
So to make everything up to myself I am... Read More
Knee's trembling, I feel the floor fall out beneath me
my foundation is crumbling, my mind is being invaded
By fear, confusion, and all things I can't undo
I look around, and see no one, only I can save myself now
Can I do this task set before me?
One word -- Hope, it is all I have now
" If you show people you are happy, they will take it away"
That quote sorta sounds like they will take it away from you, but I think it will be more that your happiness infects them so you are both happy. i think its true to an extent, a cheery disposition makes others feel good too.
About your writing. Its seems rather mature and wise. It doesn`t seem the work of a 23 year old anyway, which is a plus in your favour.
I don`t actually agree totally that the the spirit and the mind don`t meet, but its a small point. In my view the subcouncious is the boss or the parent and it knows much more than your brain. Infact it tricks your brain all the time and helps it too, with descisions you don`t even know it is making. Again in my view the spirit isn`t the subcontious, its something else. The subcontious is part of the brain and exists in the brain. Its like the brain regulator.
That aside I really liked your writing. It brings up some very valid points, like repeating events, reincarnation and that we are all made of stars
Its a piece that yearns for more, and in that yearning there is some sort of payoff, something wondourous about to be revealed. Its hard enough to write about these thoughts, its exceptional to give the feeling of something through words and emotions that aren`t exactly understood.
Do you see now what your words did
the distorted mocking of a sick fuck
you unleash what makes you, claims you
see it try to overwhelm another soul, a parasite
looking to feed
Looking back I never knew this disease
this horror that would invade my soul
I never knew it would come
from someone I loved, trusted, it makes
tears come to my... Read More
What you're describing sounds like a psychic vampire.
You're much better off avoiding those types anyway.
There's an old 70's tune about ghosts, death, and witchcraft - where the singer repeatedly calls out to a woman named "Phedra". It's obscure and a bit corny, but it's strange, dark and edgy. I think you'd like it.
I remember hearing Art Bell hype that tune on his overnight radio program 5 or 6 years ago ("Art Bell's Coast to Coast" was synonymous with the paranormal and UFO conspiracy theories since the 80's, he quit because he was supposedly being harrased by sinister agents of the New World Order ).
Whether or not the song is actually about ghosts and death isn't really clear. But it is very definitely strange.
Kinda funny, when you stay up all night listening to talk radio - all the crazy shit you hear about bounces around in your head long afterwards.
Hey everyone! Things are still up in the air, meaning that my family and I are still living in a hotel....we are getting to know the staff to well. . LOL, the other night two guys were caught putting two beautiful motercycles in their room, stolen of course. We find out all sorts of tidbits, we fed the security guy, he is our friend now... Read More
Why am I here haha--Hi sis--See she's actually only a few feet away from me right now so I'm writing this random uncessary comment just cuz--And well cuz I love her to
Words don't come easily to explain how ones mind works. Split in half never meeting, spirit vs. logic, reasoning. One's mind at war never at peace wondering if they were ever one. The mind a working tool for the spirit, to express what one is, once was, and will be. Ever learning through every life one lives, yet this said tool is symptomatic working against... Read More
hello to everyone, I finally got back to writing after a long dry spell
I would die for you, but I will never live for you. One must live, make their own mistakes, learn, and walk their own path. They will differ always. Never consider what others say about your choices, if they are just then nothing can stop you. Beware of becoming a mirror... Read More
Okay, this is the deal, ...... we haven't found a fucken house yet, it is seriously getting beyond boring. Thanks for the happy birthdays! I'm 23, an unsignificant age I think, but yet another landmark in my path of life. Bye for now, hope to be writiing from a new house soon, Ohhhhhhhhhh please be from a new house!
Manson's show was not bad. Maybe not as good as in really big concert halls (Colmar is a very small town) but I liked it. Full of light and smoke. And gestures
Single life is not for today yet. Kamen and I are still living together.
so..... I am sooooooo tired of hotels, other people at said hotels and being in the same room day after Wh00t, anyway things are good, hope to visit soon. Love everyone!
The excerpt kicks ass, and I joined the contest to win the leather bound new book which comes out in october. I will rise and Slay all those fuckers who think they know WOT more than me in this constest! If you doubt, ask me any question you can think of. Please do ask me a couple questions. I'm serious, I like being tested. I hope you're doing great, Take care.
hey everyone, so yeah, this is going to be the last post for awhile, my family, which includes Fractal telepathy, lovely sister she is, are going to be without the internet for a mouth or so..*crying a river* . Yep so see y'all later
Well, it is official. My family and I are moving from this dump of a neighborhood---will miss calling the cops on the stupid liitle tweakers though, who go through and try to steal thingies...*sigh* memories. If they weren't so stupid I wouldn't give a shit, but they deserve it for being dumb . I won't be able to post very much, but I will do... Read More
sadly, the group's leadership has already been determined...we held out for Sorrowsjoy as long as we could but then it got to the point where if we were leaderless much longer our group might get shut down.
sorry to hear about the internet troubles. hope both you and your sister are well!