Please don't think I want to bother SGs around the world. Here (and in other posts will follow) I'm going to talk about friends with which I had private conversations and are consensual in a little post about them.
I'm going to explain because I would do a SG's set whit them and only the geographic distances can slowly me in my proposal ;-).
First of all @luie
The first picture I've choose from her porfolio is a little bit "dated" and comes from set of Joe Souza
Touch me and play what you feel
Her newest set is
Room on fire
From this set I've choose this picture:
I love the aesthetic and smooth composition of the colors and framing as I love black and white hair of the first set and the red fire hairstyle she wear whit a classy touch in the second one.
Very weighted tattoos and makeup are her strenght points, whit a little bit of fifties Marylin Monroe's style in her expressions.
And I love fifties!
The distance between Baiha (Brazil) and Milano (Italy) is only some 8217 km ...
Maybe one of the next years we can meet at a midpoint, Santa Cruz de Tenerife i.e. or at a Mali sandy beach ;-)
Great model, very polite person.
Easy to love :-).