I feel like some mobster or old Italian mother disowning someone. I told someone they were dead to me this morning. Fuct up thing is, they probably don' t realize I really mean it.
Edited to add:
I was still somewhat annoyed about the situation so I wrote a blog on MS along w/ a nice lil' shitty poem, you can read it here if you'd like.
Call me the mortician because I just placed you in your casket
Edited to add:
I was still somewhat annoyed about the situation so I wrote a blog on MS along w/ a nice lil' shitty poem, you can read it here if you'd like.
Call me the mortician because I just placed you in your casket
I have nothing witty to say. I have nothing to say at all for that matter. No words to express. So, just take my love and run with it. Don't worry about the conversation. You don't even have to talk to me. I'll just hold you and we can just be content with each others presence. Deal?